Thanks for visiting my Portfolio.

I am a graphic artist with skill sets in illustration, logo design, publication, and screen print design. I work both in an office and independently. After graduating from George Mason University in 2002, I went on to work as a graphic artist for Print Mojo, a screen print company in California. I was also a freelancer for Kotis Design in Seattle along with several miscellaneous freelance projects. In 2011, I was hired as an Illustrator at the publication company Author Solutions, a Penguin Random House company in Bloomington Indiana. In the last few years I retained my freelance services to Author Solutions as well as an in-house position at Thousand Oaks Barrel Company in the Washington Metro area. Feel free to view my portfolio by clicking the link below.


phone: (571) 229-2675   email:

Skill Set: Graphic Design, Illustration, Screen print Design, Publication, Logo Design.
Education: B.A. Graphic Design, George Mason University.
Smithsonian Museum of American History.
Program skills: Adobe Creative Suite, Corel DrawX3, Freehand MX, and Microsoft Office.